Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do you have childrens' classes?

No. Due to limited class sizes and a certain level of maturity required to study Hung Fut kung fu, our classes are restricted to ages 12 and above.

2. What is Hung Fut and how is it different to other Chinese martial arts such as Tai Chi and Northern Chinese styles, etc?

Hung Fut is an amalgamation of Southern Chinese martial arts of Hung Gar and Fut Gar, originating in the Southern Shaolin temple approximately 300 years ago. Hung Fut, like many Southern Chinese martial arts, places greater emphasis on strong hand techniques, low kicking and stable stances, whereas the northern styles favoured more mobile footwork and have more varied, higher kicking and acrobatic skills.

3. Do you compete in tournaments?

The short answer is no. Our training is not tournament-focussed but is more directed towards health and self defence. Having said that our students are free to compete in tournaments if they wish and we support them in any way we can.

Do you teach grappling?

Yes. In kung fu the grappling skills are called Chin Na, which means to seize and control. All traditional Chinese martial arts have to a greater or lesser degree of Chin Na in their range of skills. Southern styles such as Hung Fut arguably have a greater range of grappling techniques than some other Chinese styles as they have more sophisticated hand techniques. Chin Na techniques include grabbing, throwing, joint locking, choking and pressure point striking and manipulation.

Can I train full-time?

At the present time our classes in Pakenham are only open Monday and Thursday evenings.

6. Do you teach weaponry?

Yes. Like all Chinese martial arts we teach a wide variety of traditional Chinese weaponry.

7. Do I have to learn forms?

Yes. Forms training is integral to Chinese martial arts. Our training is very application-focussed and we make no secret that we believe the skills contained within the forms are more important than the forms themselves, but to train in kung fu, forms training is mandatory to learn the techniques properly.

8. Do you have gradings?

Yes. Gradings are conducted informally in the class after each form and the techniques within them are learnt to an acceptable level. It takes approximately one year to learn each form and the applications within the form. A certificate is issued after each grading. It takes approximately 5-6 years to reach black belt level.

9. Do you practice sparring?

Yes. We practice regular non-contact sparring but only after a certain level of proficiency in the basics has been reached. All sparring is conducted on a non- to light-contact basis, and mouth guard and hand mitts must be worn.

10. Do you have a uniform?

Yes. Our uniform consists of a black t shirt with our club emblem and black kung fu style pants. We do not wear sashes as we are a small club and do not feel sashes are necessary at this time.

11. What is Wushu?

Wushu is the proper name for Chinese martial arts and is roughly translated as Military Arts. Kung Fu is the accepted western name for Chinese Martial arts and basically means a skill learned through hard work and training over time. Anything can be kung fu - a good piano player can be said to have good kung fu. Wushu now has come to be associated with the more flashy sport martial arts used in competition, these have a more gymnastic quality with many leaps, cartwheels and spinning techniques, designed for show rather than function. Indeed some martial artists distinguish Wushu into contemporary (modern sport) and traditional Wushu. In many Chinese martial arts schools who focus on contemporary Wushu, it is not uncommon to only learn forms and have very little to no focus on self defence. Our kung fu training is traditional in that we train for health, self defence and fitness.

What is Qigong?

Qigong is an ancient Chinese health care system that integrates physical postures, breathing techniques and focused intention. The word Qigong (Chi Kung) is made up of two Chinese words. Qi is pronounced 'chee' and is usually translated to mean the life force or vital-energy that flows through all things in the universe. The second word, Gong, pronounced 'gung', means accomplishment, or skill that is cultivated through steady practice. Together, Qigong (Chi Kung) means cultivating energy, it is a system practiced for health maintenance, healing and increasing vitality.